Somones weft means comments on mes fetwife post bouts twyings to cheaws ups mes moms. Insteds engagings dems saings mes ptsd dont do dis, mes just deweeted ders comments. Nots worfs d stwess.
Since mes was borns tiww d times mes was 16 1/2 mes so caweds fathers n his fwiends sexuawwys abuseds mes. Mes got sebewes anzitys n panic afacks. A nurse checking on mes in a ers waiting wooms toucheds mes fwoms behinds. Mes istinks n twaing kickeds ins n fwung mesewfs outs mes wheewchaiws and pend hers downs in cots hers awms in a cuffings postions dats mes worneds workings securits 2000 to wate 2001. Mes hewts horibwes bouts its. Mes awways habs mes pacis to hewpys mes stays cawms. But its a instictuaws and nots somefings mes wikys bouts mesewfs.
Honestwys eben mes drs dont knows whys mes minds does its but worse Mes gets stweseds outs d mowes mes wegwess. D minds bewwys compwex orgons dats we as yumans scwatcheds understandings. Our evowution jumeds 100’s ob thousands obs yeaws in ours ebowutions fors exampwes.
Buts ss mes was sayings meds minds buiwts a bawears dats dids dis.
Honestwys gwads mes fathers webts to pwosuns in 2007 and gots maximums in tx. It tx he got 50 yeaws, if was in okwahomas hed onwy gotens 30 maximums. Mes weporteds dems buts no ones bowwebs mes, maybes y mes gots instos a security guard sets ups afters. To hewp dohs dat awes inowweds. ………………….. Mes ghad audios wecording bouts whowes conversations. Weasons mes agweeds was d wady just escaped domestic viwonces wif a infants n 3y chiweds. She stowed to get dems foods. Afters d suck mangers, mes boaught d wayed a huge coower n fiweds its wif somes fings so shes couwds gets to her faniwys in idahowes.
Anyways mes gots offs on tangets. Buts simpwys mes minds hads awways workeds diffwentwys mes onwys knows whats mes been towds bouts mes chiwdhoods becase mes no wembers before mes was 16 1/6 becase aww dats happens. But certian fings act as twigers n mes dont ebens jnows tiww aftews d facts.
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