Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fighting Depwesions is Hawds + Weseawching how u becomes Vtubews

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 well mes been fiting mes manic depwesion hawds wich is eben hawders when u in constant pains. speciawwy when fing keep going wongs. wike got d wifi cawd in d tower fixyed, but the hot gwued d rgb conector caabwe on and it puwd out d pin guide. wonce mes gets somes pwsion toows van easwys put back. had top mobe to der headew so wifi 7 cawds gos on. but den mes backup keybowed bsstops functions wich is impwesive since mes hads mes logitechs k350 sincy about 2012-13 or sos. b ut now cant use d towers due needing wepwacements.  pwaning on buying some usb extensions and wiwed keybowed mousy combos by amazons basics.

 awso wesewching on how one becomes a vtubews. not to go viraws, just somefing fow funs whiwe stweaming games n suchys. a hobbys if u wiwws. but it seams difwents options to hab some funs. decieded to fixy d went to own towers becase coust to build a pc is same to mowes stawting bwank canvas to just pay me wast 12 monthwy paymets. dens mes hab some pawts to use as a base to workys fwoms. aftews to upgwades.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Nots Feewing so Hots Todays

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 Mes dont know why mes psmsmain makys feews dis ways but mes no wike its.

 When mes move mes heads feews swosging waves wike a owd fasioneds fwee fwow watews beds.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fwustwating Day

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 Yesterday on Tuesday the 19th. It was one of those days it’s like why do we even bother. I am using dictation to write this it so people can understand the frustration is having. And even dictation is having a hard time understanding me.

Mom was so sick and in pain we had to go to the ER. So on the way there and noticed the car is on slipping in the transmission. And because it is a constant velocity (CVT) type of transmission. It is not serviceable or even checkable on fluid unless you take it to a dealership or transmission shop.

After 7 to 8 hours in the ER, I was trying to go and get my mom at the door. And the car would not start. Walk away I had a emergency pack in the trunk, but the cables are so short and the person that tried to help us that was covered by the Erin takes us to the point that he couldn’t even jump somebody off. so we found a security guard luckily had a box. I totally wish never gotten sold off my own personal jump box.

But the end of the story is, we got possibly three problems with the car that are new. Somethings up with the transmission, the battery is gone, and trying to drive it 11 to 12 miles might have killed the alternator as well. And in this case with the alternator, I want to take it off and get it tested, I guess it’s gonna have to be done by taking the bus with my wheelchair. You just don’t wanna drop a new battery into the car at the alternators is bad because then that void batteries warranty, and you have to buy a battery as well if that did kill the new battery. And the other problem is we got to come up with like $179.99 have the dealership scan our transmission. I swear they make cars can’t work on yourself anymore. That’s why I’ve always preferred the best. With a few examples of us still able to work on would be like the Capri classic up to 1996, or the Crown Victoria, 2011.

My question is is if I should invest in like a Capri classic wagon or a crown Vic police interceptor to pull a trailer for my wheelchair, or pick up a heavy duty truck so that the chair doesn’t flip over the side. Ideally an old shuttle bus has one of those $1000 to $10,000 lift Already installed.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Twied a SL Avi Demo

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 Hewd ob a Avataw dat mor cwosswy wepwesents mes. Nowts cheaps to dos, but figuwes maybes a wittwes ats a times? wike 1 pawt 1 months n so ons tiww mes cans gettys???

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Mes Getting Ders

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 Wooks wikes mes puwwing outs mes Vawintines Depwessions nows

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Descwminatiins Huwtys

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 D gwoup sent mes a discrimination msg to mes so mes towd dems how dey nebews towd mes 2 yeaws ago den denied dey knows mes apwications. Awso d discrimination makys mes cwys sevewaws hours, dn dat was white to descwminateds fows disabiwitys den bwockeds dems on fetwifes