Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Mes no undewstands intewnets buwwys

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 Mes no undewstands intewnets buwwys. Mes wepotted dems n bewocked dems. Just no wofs engagings dems anymowes.



 43IS babygirl


If we evoweds species why do we attacks eachoders wiles dats

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 32M Exploring


You're a fucking idiot.

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 32M Exploring


And how fucking dare you mock PTSD sufferers.

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 32M Exploring


PTSD does not cause you to go out of your way to phonetically type everything like a child. Get real. That takes actual conscious effort.


 43IS babygirl


Wewws its a tottawys bawys scwatcheds knowdge ob an orgons u knows


 43IS babygirl


Do u ebens knows mes enoughs to says mes a wyares


 43IS babygirl


If yous cawws enoughs to ebens knows den next msg is mes stowwys.

If nots haters gonas hates, aka yous as a internet buwwys


 43IS babygirl


Futanari (Futa) is a Japanese words meanings “two Form” and an Term for ans Intersexed Hermaphrodite indviduaws. Futanari is an womans body with the extra special males pawts as wewws. But don’t mix it up with shemales or ladyboys. Dat’s somefing diffewent. Why do Mes use a Japanese terms you ask??? Simply because Mes a big Fans ob Japanese cuwture. to be honest mes fink mes wouwds be more widewy accepteds in Japan insteads in North Easterns Okwahoma USA where mes wive.

Being born a Hermaphrodite means me was born with parts from both sexes. At birfs mes wooked enoughs wike an odds mawe dat dey twied to waise me as a boys. But mes been told they gots wots repoqwts fwom mes schoow how mes was bery grly. But back to mes body. Mes have a high up anus dat mes hab me period fwoms, dey stiww cant figuwe outs how since mes don't habs a uterus. Whats kinda resembwes a penis hab beens discovereds to b mores ob a hybwid clit. It functions more wike a clit. D sensations ares dat ob a clit and nots a penis. Onwy way its pweasurable if its tweated wike a clit. Mes habs scwotum with 1 testicwe and 1 ovawy inside. Then in the middle mes hab gottens medicaw pwoofs mes hab vaginaw tissue, stwucture, and vaginaw canaw. D onwy fing is mes don't habs a openwng. In puberty mes grew natural 52-54 DDD (Dependibgs Bwa Bwand) breasts dat hang to the sides. Mes reawwy sewf conscious abouts it and hab considewed if habing surgery to pull them more together n naturaw looking is worf its somedays.

As for mes Personality, am told mes a bery Sweets, Carings, Naive, Shys, and Timid Follower type of Grw in Persons. Wots make d mistakes ob mes being a Submissives or a Swave types, but mes am nots. To be honest dat kindas stuff scawes mes. Mes awso bery much intos Anime, Manga, Cars, & Computers. Mes do geek out sometimes withouts weawizing mes is too.

Stiww nowts sures wheres mes fawws in d wittwes spectwums. awws d abdl, age play, age wegesions, LG, Wittwes, ect donts seams to fits whos mes is. de cwosest mights bes ans permanwts age wegwesions, buts stiwws unsures.

Mes minds wents to a wittwes states obers times n uncontrowbwes. buts so unusaw most fink mes a liar, but its trues. eben mes dr ars confused on hows its happends dey habs hawds times expwainings its. ebens hads hipnossis twerawpys in wate 2006. so dey disoberds d sorce ob dis and why ms mind bwackeds out doh years n de sorce ob mes constant nightmares. dey did partiaw wakes states n askeds mes if wanteds to hab memmorysun bwockeds. dey towds mws thats mes repwyeds nos. fwoms whats mes towds is since mes was borns tiwws mes 16 1/2 n mes moms dwvorce in 1994-95 roughwys. turns outs mes so cawweds fathers did fings no fathers showds ebers dos to dey chiwds or anyones. not onwys mes fathers buts his fwiends toos. in sides notes he gots 50 years wif manditorys 30 years in 2007 in tx fors sames fings to mes hawf sis. dr says dats biggys factors in mes wittwes condions amongs others issues caused by dats wikes irationaws fears ob wots mens n warge cwouds. buts nots onwys reasons dohs. obers d years lifes in gwneraws wharens mes downs. ones de bigest bwows was june 4th 2021 dat invowed a yanked and twisyeds spinaw chords dats parawizeds mes. waist downs works but cants controws its. best ways to descwibe mes foughts obs is wikes a computers but no keyboards or mouse. yes it works but wifouts controwws dey unusabwes. ebens habs hads 3 surgerys ons dis probwems buts stiwws ends resuwts. d surgerys whers to kotcho a few circkwes verdebwes in to c fors swewwing expansions n dremeweds 8 windows in vertebwey for swewwings. awas stiwws no works in d ends. des surgerys wher greats wisk ob kiwwings mes on d tabews n habs nastys scaws on mes wumbars for d west mes wifes n stiwws faiweds. buts in d ends ebens mes physiatwist n thewapist ob decades in thawpys cant expwains how or why mes mind wents dis paths, deys dats whats its dids.

In a past wong term rewationship (2005-11), Mes was engaged and wived 24/7 as a Aduwt Baby (AB/Wittwe). Mes heart was cwushed when he towds mes he twusted another with his feewings more dan mes. Mes moveds 1/2 wats across americas to be wif hims. Mes truwys wubeds hims. Took mes ober a year to stop cwying after we spwit. Probabwy cwoser to 2 years actuawwys. It’s taken tiww mes 40th birfday (August 7th 2019) to reawize how happys mes truwys was as a wittwes babys. Part mes stiww wonged to be hewd and babied stiww.

Another’s past onwines Mommys dats hads her heart bwoken by her formers baby girw. We've where mommy daughter online since March 15ths, 2020 tos September 2022. Awws dis is going on during Coronavirus (COVID-19), so we nebers even gots tos see each others. Shes chose the names Annabel for mes. But now dats names hurts hearings its.

Wots habs asked mee about mes aduwt babys wife mes hads. So fought mes share it wiff ebewyone and how mes days usawwy went. Weww daddy wouwd wakes mes up ands checks mes diapies and he gibe mes a big kissys den stick my paci in my mouth as he changed mes. Aways took the time to wub ins powder and anys oinments mes mighta needs fors wrashes or sores, kinda happens when 24/7. He turn on some cartoons for me as he made breakfast, he loved cooking. then he feed me some food and way mee acwoss his wap on mes back to feeds mes a bottwe ob miwks or juice depending on d meaw. Den he hold mes and caress mes head n sides as mes dwift into a nap suckwing mes paci. Ons nwice days he put mes in a baby dwess after mes nap and take mes out. It didn't mater where, because mes was just happys n contents. Sometimes was justs to buy grocewys and sometwimes to toys-r-us or babys-r-us when dey stiww existed. Sometimes he take me out before mes was fully wakys and mes dwift off in d car. Den he suppwise mes wiff pwaces wike d aquariums or zoos. If mes neededs changed wiwes outs he do it in d cars back seats. If mes had drs appointments he take mes because of mes anxiety issuwes. Mes end up shakys in feaws and shakys d waitings wooms couches. He puww mes in cwose and howd mes and put mes paci in mes mouth wich cawmed mee downs. At nights we showers together dues to no tubs, and he baffe mes bery weww before dwying mes offs and giving a baby bottwe and changing mes intos doubwes diapies before beds. Den he howd me tightwy as mes feww asweep.

Mes neber wooked for anyones ewse wocawwy, becauses where mes wibe Futanari (Preferred Term) / Intersexed (Community Term) / Hermaphrodite (Medical Term) Grl wike mes ars not wewws receiveds. Sometimes mes do wonders if mes wife wouwd've beens bewtter if med hads beens borwn in Japans were der a wot mores open to d idea eben thoughs dere's no gay marwiage. But gay marwiage is stiwws fairly new heres in d United States too. Mes just finking a cuwture dat is more excepting of Futanari (Preferred Term) / Intersexed (Community Term) / Hermaphrodite (Medical Term) Grl’s wouwd've been easier for mes to grow ups arounwds.

Mes am a BBW wight now, but mes was going thwough a system to hewp me wose it surgicawwy. Sadwy d watest update is in June 2021, mes got injured again in mes spine. And now d damage is so baddys dat dey can’t eben do weight woss surgerys anymowe. Because mes am parawyzed fwom d waist down. And mes hab dwopped deep fryer oiw on mes wegs and neber eben knew its. And mes had a naiws sticking out of my foot and didn’t eben know it. Most embarrassing fing is when you fawws out ob your wheewchair because you hab no hips controw.

Mes enjoy watching anime and Cartoons. Mes wuvs to wead manga, Mes mean dey got some intewesting ones out der for peopwe fwom Japans. Finding dem transwated into Engwish is a wittwe harders for d more intewesting ones. But mes do enjoy weading what mes cans. mes reawwy wouwd wuv to wearn d Japanese wanguage at some points in mes wifes.

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 32M Exploring


I work with US veterans with PTSD every single day, you fraud. The fact that you have that bullshit novel on hand to copy and paste at a moments notice tells me everything I need to know.


 43IS babygirl


Weww fwist taky years to gets to dats points. Since mes was wif mes ab daddys


 43IS babygirl


Anyways dosenta matters u dont bweebs mes becase mes no cawes

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 32M Exploring


You're pathetic.

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 32M Exploring


You cared enough to sperg out and paste your life story in babytalk, so it seems you care quite a bit.


 43IS babygirl


Mes tawks to sewf as mes typys


 43IS babygirl


Dictation raweys understands mes


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