well mes been fiting mes manic depwesion hawds wich is eben hawders when u in constant pains. speciawwy when fing keep going wongs. wike got d wifi cawd in d tower fixyed, but the hot gwued d rgb conector caabwe on and it puwd out d pin guide. wonce mes gets somes pwsion toows van easwys put back. had top mobe to der headew so wifi 7 cawds gos on. but den mes backup keybowed bsstops functions wich is impwesive since mes hads mes logitechs k350 sincy about 2012-13 or sos. b ut now cant use d towers due needing wepwacements. pwaning on buying some usb extensions and wiwed keybowed mousy combos by amazons basics.
awso wesewching on how one becomes a vtubews. not to go viraws, just somefing fow funs whiwe stweaming games n suchys. a hobbys if u wiwws. but it seams difwents options to hab some funs. decieded to fixy d went to own towers becase coust to build a pc is same to mowes stawting bwank canvas to just pay me wast 12 monthwy paymets. dens mes hab some pawts to use as a base to workys fwoms. aftews to upgwades.
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