Thursday, September 07, 2023

Whats and howibwes days!!!

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1. Up 60 houws wif nos rems sweepys.

2. Got cut offs n caws went sideways

3. Feww on gwound ins pawkings gwages getting wheewchaiws out ats drs.

4. D eniwes fwoows was wocked off. So had to put chaiw backys in d twunk n dwibes up anoders fwoows.

5. Feww in pawkings gwage second times geetings wheewchaiws outs agains.

6. Drs gots maddys n thweatens to n kick mes outs cwinicks becase mes gots mes medicaw canibus cawds, evens dohs mes no habs moneys fows d meds tiww wikys apwiw ows mawtch.

7. On dwibes homes caws imhits wufgh patch ob pay ments n caws whents off d woads becase suspensions so messy ups fwoms d mays 5fh assdents.

8. Coupwes miwes fwoms homes gots wans off woads by suv dats was dwestwacred textys as dwibings.

9. Fewws in dwibesways ats homes. 


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